* clear the cobwebs*
yoyo..i'm back..yesh finally..i'm blogging...and its been a veri long time since and things have changed...coz i'm sgt ken now... =D
actually no big deal...wat the difference vetween a man and and sgt?? to me there is no diff..we are all there to work for the officers..to make them look gd and make the ppl think tt the ppl at the top are doing a veri gd job..which is not the case...the warrants and the officers keep say that specs are important but to mi its all bullshit....specs are juz tools used to control man and to move the unit..if they are important..pls justify y they dun get the previlage that officers get?..its sux being a spec..coz u are juz a chess piece..nothing more...
seems to mi that in this world..u can only trust urself and nobody..coz in the end...relationships are juz another bullshit..ppl are there juz to make use of each other..there are lots of example but shall mention none...u are buddy/friend to someone only when they wan to make use of you..but if they dun get anything out of you in the end...they will start to attack you..esp in the army...this world sux....